Sustainable Growth are fundamental factors in our work..
Operating in the national and international market of Adhesives, Sealants, Foams, Paints, Aerosols, Tapes, and Bumpers, considering the management of its industrial waste as a crucial factor in its activities, Tekbond defines the following environmental policy:
Compliance with all applicable legislation and environmental standards;
Prevention of pollution through training in awareness and environmental education for all its employees;
Commitment to the effectiveness and continuous improvement of the Environmental Management System;
Maintaining appropriate communication with the community, visitors, and employees;
The commitment to identify and analyze all aspects and environmental impacts of our production activities.
In case of fire, we must activate the fire brigade personnel and notify the management through extension 6602 and follow the brigade's instructions.
When hearing the emergency sound alarm, the area must be evacuated, heading to the "meeting point" located on the outside of the building or, depending on the severity, heading to the "meeting point" at the entrance of the condominium.
Blue: Paper
Red: Plastic
Green: Glass
Yellow: Metal
Gray: Non-recyclables
Attention Visitors and Employees: Please check if the vehicles are in adequate condition; Check if the smoke your vehicle emits is within the environmental law according to the Ringelmann scale; Check for oil leaks. Check for excessive noise. Together we can collaborate with the preservation of the environment, improve air quality and prevent soil contamination.
Saint-Gobain Adhesives & Sealants APAC Headquarter: No. 11-3, Hongtai Si Lu 311200 Hangzhou • China